I have ADHD.
I cannot finish media to save my life.
I made combating that my New Year's Resolution this past year and have, to this point, completed over 20 games. I would get the exact number, but the book I write that in is in another room and I have to finish this sentence. I want you to know that I wrote this sentence and then walked away for a day.
But I love media. I love video games, my first memory of video games. I fall asleep every night to gaming, and I have made it a priority to have at least an hour of gaming as my planned relaxation time every day.
And I love analyzing it. On top of my mother being the person to introduce me to video games (my first memory is sitting with her and playing Link to the Past with her reading the captions to me), she also taught me to love analyzing media. She's held many hats in life with her career, but for a large portion of my teens she was a college professor teaching literature analysis.
I think you can put the pieces together.
I know that I recognized that it was probably weird that our neighborhood summer BBQ included a book study led by my mom on the hit teen book of the summer. But, she did. And, I sure as hell benefited from it.
Anyways, I would post my thoughts about a movie or a game or a book, and my friends would ask for more. But, you know, I've been so busy. I work a demanding job. Well, as the world demands it, I am currently on an extended leave from work due to a medical condition.
No time like the present, I guess.
Hope y'all enjoy reading ramblings. :)